Recently on my Instagram story I told my followers they could ask me craft beer-related questions, and I would answer them in a blog post. I was asked some great questions and am going to answer them all below.
What is your favorite of the seasonal Yeti stouts?
So, I need to be honest here and say I haven’t tried any of them yet. When I posted the poll on my story asking which one I should drink first, the majority of people said the pumpkin pie one. I plan on having that one around Halloween first.

What is your favorite Barley Wine?
I am probably going to get a lot of crap for this, but I don’t care for Barley Wine. I would much rather have an Imperial Stout over a Barley Wine any day.

Which big-name breweries in Colorado would you live to visit the most and why?
Even though I lived in Colorado for over a year, I still haven’t gotten to explore many breweries outside of the Colorado Springs area. The ones I look forward to visiting the most are:
New Belgium in Ft. Collins- This brewery just looks awesome! It is a beautiful facility and it is in a town that I want to visit. Also, Fat Tire was a beer that I enjoyed a lot when I first started drinking craft beer.
Weldwerks Brewing Company in Greeley- When I lived in Florida I would constantly trade with people to get beer from Weldwerks. I am a huge IPA fan and have loved just about everything I’ve had from them. This is for sure one place I will visit soon.
Coors Brewery in Golden- I know, I know, it’s not a craft brewery, but I have heard some awesome things about their brewery tours. Also, Coors Beers (especially Banquet) is a staple in Colorado.
What is one beer that you drink that is connected to a specific memory?
I have a few for sure, but one, in particular, would (once again) be one of the Great Divide Yeti Beers. I cannot tell you specifically which one (because I had one too many beers that night) but this beer reminds me of my friend AJ, and has been an inside joke for us for several years. I met AJ on Untappd, and the first night we met in person he brought a bunch of his homebrew beers and a Yeti. We didn’t plan on drinking ALL the beers that night, but we did, and at that moment I knew I found my Beer Soulmate (AKA someone I could always meet at a bar/brewery and try to solve all the problems over a glass of good beer).

In your opinion, what makes a good brewery GREAT?
A great brewery must have the following things to be considered GREAT:
- Fantastic beer
- Friendly and knowledgeable staff
- Food options
- Atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable
- A location that is convenient to get to and is around other options for drinking
I’ve been to many breweries that have been good but are just missing that little extra to make it GREAT.